Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014

Stupid me

Damn! I really want to blame someone for this mess. But I can't because it is also my fault following this person command. How stupid!! I should think about the consequence. I regret it. Oh my dear God. I hope they will forget this, and back like before. I trully regret for what I've done. But still, I can't return back the time. Just make this a lecture so that I'm not doing it for the second time.I will be the real stupid if I do it again. If that person see this post, I want to say sorry. I really am sorry.


Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Pink Emma

Hi girls~ I want to share one of the best trusted fashion online shop. The price is affordable, good services, and easy to buy. Curious? should I tell you know? Okay, then here the link click
Bye, have a nice day and happy shopping


Online Shop

I just want to promote my online shop. I sell mainly fashion for girls. So, if you want to check or maybe buy my stuff, you can follow instagram @zigmaclub. Thank you ﹋o﹋